House Painters in Colorado Springs

12033085_1492373364420179_1616158601905009612_nI genuinely enjoy working with the clients I do. I like trying to figure out ways to help them grow their presence online. I try to encourage all of them to blog, as the data (we present some of said data on the home page of the Local Reach Mktg website)are fairly clear that doing so generates far more leads for small businesses than would normally be generated via traditional means.

By way of acknowledging some hard work, and as a way of giving a heads up to a local, Colorado Springs-based business, and even to get a sense of what a blog for a small, locally-based company looks like, check out their most recent blog. I really appreciate Heritage Painting, and it is a pleasure working with them. Their testimonials speak volumes!

More to come.

Super Delegates Will Write History by Nominating Sanders in Philadelphia 

Political Reads

Edited by Samantha Best

The brainchild of the 1968 Democratic Convention may finally show its brilliance in 2016, when the unbound Democratic superdelegates upend pledged delegates and popular vote and choose their party’s nominee, thus holding the final firewall they were originated for.

Superdelegates were never intended to have a majority status. In reality, they only make up about 15% of the delegates available. And more often than not, their opinion isn’t relevant to the nomination. However, the purpose of the minority power is not to elect a candidate. Rather, they were designed to prevent a loss in a general election, a proverbial safety valve to circumvent an obviously weak candidate.

This is the superdelegate’s role in the Democratic nomination process: they are independent judges that only emerge in marginal contests. Their function is to secure a nomination based upon available data and a completed primary map. Their sole task…

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Bernie or bust pledge is a declaration of war on Democratic Party establishment

Revolt Against Plutocracy

DNCThe DNC and the Democratic Party establishment have the rules of the primary season rigged against Bernie Sanders. From the debate schedule to the temporary blocking of access to the voter database to the use of establishment-oriented super delegates not even the Republicans use, they are in a civil war against insurgent revolutionary Senator Sanders. In response, Revolt Against Plutocracy declares war on the DNC and party establishment. A plutocracy is a country or society controlled by the wealthy few.

Chris Cillizza is the author of “The Fix,” a politics blog for the Washington Post. Reviewing the last Democratic Party debate before the primary season begins, he noted that “the Republican National Committee’s attempts to influence the debate calendar…pales in comparison to the travesty the Democratic National Committee has made of its own debates.”

Senator Sanders’ endorsements from and DFA and his current lead in the polls in IA and NH…

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Tyler Pedigo

I know the numbers I am posting today will look especially suspicious to those who have accused me of manipulating my model for the sake of increasing Bernie’s projected vote share. For this reason, I will also be sharing a screenshot of the model fit to previous results to demonstrate that even after correcting for many different factors, even when the model has adjusted to fit last Tuesday’s results, it is still projecting Bernie wins on Tuesday.

There remains one lurking question in my mind, however, and that is the question of how Arizonan Hispanics will vote; and if they are inherently more likely to vote for one candidate over the other. BenchmarkPolitics believes that Hispanics are far more predisposed to voting for Clinton over Sanders, but as much as I have tried to prove this within all of my own data, I just cannot get this result. Clinton has…

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Depression is a Capricious Creature

A worthy, courageous post from a fellow local to the Colorado Springs area.


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As I’m sitting here writing these very words, I am realizing how much a post like this has been a long time coming. I really mean it when I say along time. 18 years. Is 18 years a long time? Yeah, I guess. There is no doubt that it’s been 18 years because a very vivid memory still exists within my mind of when I was just a 10 year old kid who tried to kill himself.

My memory is fuzzy behind the actual momentum I had with wanting to kill myself so, naturally, I question how hard I really tried or how serious I was actually being. Was I just a melodramatic child? I just remember deciding that I would go in my mom’s bathroom and take as many pills as I could from whatever bottle that was easily accessible. At 10 years old, labels on the…

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Homelessness in Colorado Springs and Genuine Solutions

In a survey conducted about a year ago (click here for the article), it was estimated that there are around 1200 people living on the street in the downtown area. Of these, an conscience-shocking 269 people were going without shelter of any kind, and this was in late January.

Homelessness and Mental Illness

According to a 2013 Fox News report, the overall number around that time was similar to one year ago, 241 were deemed to be “severely mentally ill.” This means many of the people on the street may be simply incapable of functioning normally. Many people who suffer from symptoms will hear voices (often persecuting voices shouting at them internally), or see things, have “intrusive thoughts” (thoughts about doing or saying something that rushes into one’s mind without apparent rhyme or reason), etc. Take a moment to imagine a single afternoon in that state, then think how this goes on for day after day after day for many of our unfortunate homeless.

It is worth noting that contemporary homelessness as we know it today simply did not exist in any significant way until the 1980’s (for details, click here). This, along with the policy steps one could take in order to solve the issue need to be the basic terms of every conversation we have as a community about this issue. Very unfortunately, the approach my our city seems to be a heavy-handed, legalistic approach. Rather than address the causes, the approach by the city is merely to criminalize the outward manifestations of homelessness. Click here for a Gazette article on this issue.

The annual count of homeless people for the year 2016 is happening right now (see video below for news coverage). Perhaps rather than accepting whatever number is finally revealed, we need to think long and hard about what we can do tangibly, sensibly and compassionately to address the issue without simply pretending homelessness is a moral failing.

For anyone trying to learn more, you may want to visit the Facebook page of a local group dedicated to real solutions. Click here for that page.

via Blogger